Unity Clarifies Identity as a Spiritual Ministry
Unity has been through an Evolution:
Even though Unity (WWM) is a world- wide organization, publishing “The Daily Word” since 1924, it has never been traditional in its teachings. For many years, people would ask, “What is Unity?” Even Unity ministers would sometimes falter when answering. It is difficult to define when held to the context of classical religion, and therefore, was explained in what we are not. This clarification really enables us to define what we are.
It provides guidelines which allows all Unity Ministries to be consistent in definition, mission, and teachings.
Unity philosophy:
Unity provides practical teachings to help people live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives.
We are open and inclusive, believe Prayer works, and Honor all paths to God. We help people have a strong connection to God every day.
As a teaching center, in any given class, you may hear teachings from the Course in Miracles, Law of Attraction, Conversations with God, Positive Psychology (Power of Positive Thinking), and even Quantum Physics.
Unity of Reading, located in Temple, PA is proud to be a part of Unity World-Wide Ministries and share in the mission of providing spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.
Unity of Reading Spiritual Center offers inspirational messages in our Sunday services (called celebrations) as well as classes, and social activities to uplift each individual and our community.